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Planning Process


Parish Councils have the right to make comments on planning applications affecting their area.


The planning authority (which is usually South Norfolk Council) allows a Parish Council 21 days to respond to a planning application. 


Members of the public are encouraged to provide their own comments on District Council's planning pages.  Guidance with regards to commenting on an application can be found on District Councils website.


Whilst the overall decision is the planning authority’s, the Parish Council’s local knowledge, combined with an understanding of the planning process, means that its views are more likely to be heard by the planning authority, so long as the Parish Council provides valid planning ‘material considerations’.


The Parish Council’s comments can be found on District Council’s planning pages.


A summary of the most recent planning applications in the parish will be published here.


Financial Year 2024/25


Orchard Acre, Gull Lane - 2024/3841.  Proposal: Demolish existing conservatory, construct part-single part-two storey side and rear extensions, new front porch, dormer and fenestration alterations.  Status: Pending consideration.


The Nook - 2024/3307.  Proposal: Replace area of reinforced grass with tarmac to form a car park.  Status: Pending consideration.


1 Summer Close - 2024/2724.  Proposal: Erection of rear extension with external cladding in charred timber.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 11th November 2024.


20 Oaklands - 2024/2858.  Proposal: Retrospective application to retain close boarded fence to the front of the property.  Status: Pending consideration. 


Framingham House, 58 Long Road - 2024/2552.  Proposal: variation of condition 2 of 2022/0650 - variation to access.  Status: Pending consideration. 


1 Oakcroft Drive - 2024/2423.  Proposal: Retention of wood panel fence.  Decision: Approval with Conditions (Delegated), 4th October 2024.


Robinia House, Boundary Farm, Yelverton Road - 2024/1233.  Proposal: Garage block extension with single storey entrance lobby/utility room link to existing holiday lodge, including 12no solar panels to south elevation.  Status: Pending consideration.

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